Replication, High Availability and Consistency in Cassandra
This blog post is a summary of many misunderstandings about Cassandra replication, high availability and consistency I have seen from Cassandra users on the fields
This blog post is a summary of many misunderstandings about Cassandra replication, high availability and consistency I have seen from Cassandra users on the fields
In this post, I’ll cover in detail all the steps necessary to integrate Apache Zeppelin, Apache Spark and Apache Cassandra. For the remaining of this post, Zeppelin == Apache Zeppelin™, Spark == Apache Spark™ and Cassandra == Apache Cassandra™ If…
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This blog post is a technical deep dive into the new cool SASI index that enables full text search as well as faster multi-criteria search in Cassandra (introduced since Cassandra 3.4 but I recommend Cassandra 3.5 at least because of…
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The native secondary index is the less known and most misused feature of Cassandra. In this article we’ll explain thoroughly the technical implementation of native secondary index to highlight best use-cases and the worst anti-patterns. For the remaining of this…
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In this blog post, we’ll explain the reason why all Cassandra experts and evangelists promote single-partition operations. We’ll see in details all the benefits that single-partition operations can provide in term of operation, consistency and system stability. For the remaining of…
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In an earlier post, I presented the new UDF & UDA features introduced by Cassandra 2.2. In this blog post, we’ll play with UDA and see how it can be leveraged for analytics use-cases and all the caveats to avoid….
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In this blog post, we’ll dig into the brand new materialized view feature of Cassandra 3.0. We’ll see how it is implemented internally, how you should use it to get the most of its performance and which caveats to avoid….
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In this blog post, we’ll review the new User-Defined Function (UDF) and User-Defined Aggregate (UDA) feature and look into their technical implementation. For the remaining of this post Cassandra == Apache Cassandra™ The UDF/UDA feature has been first premiered at…
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In this post, we’re digging into KillrChat Cassandra data model KillrChat data model focus on 3 main components: users chat rooms chat messages I Users management For a successful chat application, the number of users will grow fast. To be…
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In this post, I’ll discuss about how KillrChat REST API has been designed to decouple the front and back ends. If you have missed the previous posts on KillrChat, please go there The application is completely open-sourced, you can get…
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